Registration Essentials

In the intricate symphony of the music industry, understanding the role of various organizations in royalty collection is essential for every musician. From Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) to digital aggregators, these entities are crucial in ensuring that you are properly compensated for your work.

This course aims to guide musicians through the importance of registering with these organizations and navigating the sign-up process.

Understanding the Importance of Registration

1. Ensuring Fair Compensation

Without registering with the necessary organizations, you might miss out on royalties owed to you. These entities collect and distribute royalties for different uses of your music, ensuring you’re fairly compensated.

2. Protecting Your Rights

Registration helps to safeguard your rights as a creator. It establishes a legal record of your ownership and can be crucial in case of copyright disputes.

3. Maximizing Revenue Streams

These organizations can open doors to multiple revenue streams, from streaming royalties to performance royalties, which you might not be able to access independently.

Performing Rights Organizations (PROs)

What They Do

PROs collect performance royalties, which are due when your music is played in public, including radio, TV, live venues, and streaming services.

Major PROs

  • ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers)
  • BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.)
  • SOCAN (Canada)
  • PRS for Music (UK)

How to Register

  1. Choose the Right PRO: Research each PRO’s benefits and choose one that aligns with your needs.
  2. Online Application: Visit the PRO’s website and complete the online application process.
  3. Pay the Fee: Some PROs require a one-time registration fee.
  4. Submit Your Works: After registration, submit your songs and setlists to ensure all performances are tracked.

Digital Aggregators

What They Do

Digital aggregators distribute your music to streaming platforms and digital stores, collecting digital royalties on your behalf.

Popular Aggregators

  • CD Baby
  • DistroKid
  • TuneCore

How to Register

  1. Select an Aggregator: Consider factors like fees, distribution reach, and additional services offered.
  2. Create an Account: Sign up on the aggregator’s platform.
  3. Upload Your Music: Provide your music files, artwork, and metadata.
  4. Choose Distribution Platforms: Select which streaming services and digital stores you want your music on.
  5. Pay the Distribution Fee: Aggregators typically charge a fee per album or single.

Other Essential Entities

Mechanical Rights Organizations

  • Harry Fox Agency (HFA) in the U.S. collects mechanical royalties from physical sales, downloads, and streaming.
  • Registering: Typically done via your digital aggregator or directly through the organization’s website.

Sound Recording Copyrights

  • SoundExchange: Collects royalties for the digital performance of sound recordings.
  • Registration Process: Sign up on the SoundExchange website, providing details about your recordings.

Tips for a Smooth Registration Process

  • Gather Your Information: Have all necessary information like your contact details, bank information, and a catalog of your works ready.
  • Stay Organized: Keep records of your registrations, submitted works, and any correspondence.
  • Read the Fine Print: Understand the terms and conditions of each organization.


For musicians navigating the complex world of music royalties, registering with the right organizations is a vital step towards ensuring you receive the earnings you deserve. It’s not just about the music you create, but also about understanding and managing its business aspects. Take the time to research, choose wisely, and register with the entities that best serve your needs as a musician. Your talent deserves the right representation and remuneration.