PRO Registration Process

As a musician, songwriter, or composer, registering with a Performing Rights Organization (PRO) is a crucial step in ensuring you receive the royalties you deserve for your creations. This process, though seemingly daunting, is a fundamental part of your musical career.

This course provides a clear, step-by-step guide to registering with a PRO and offers tips for submitting your music catalog effectively.

Understanding the Role of PROs

Before diving into the registration process, it’s important to understand what PROs do. They are organizations responsible for collecting performance royalties on behalf of songwriters and publishers whenever their music is played publicly, whether it’s on radio, TV, in venues, or through online streaming services.

Choosing the Right PRO

  1. Research Major PROs: In the United States, the main PROs are ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC. Each has its unique benefits and focuses. Research which one aligns best with your genre, career goals, and needs.
  2. Consider International Affiliations: If you expect your music to be played internationally, consider the global reach and affiliations of the PRO.

Registration Process

Step 1: Create an Account

  1. Visit the PRO’s Website: Go to the website of the PRO you’ve chosen (e.g., ASCAP, BMI, SESAC).
  2. Sign Up: Look for a sign-up or join link, which typically leads to an online application form.

Step 2: Fill Out the Application

  1. Personal and Professional Information: Provide your personal details, including name, address, contact information, and, if applicable, your stage name or band name.
  2. Banking Information: Enter your bank account details for royalty payments.
  3. Pay Registration Fee: Some PROs may require a registration fee, especially for publishers.

Step 3: Submitting Your Music Catalog

  1. Prepare Your Catalog: Have a list of all the songs you wish to register, including titles and co-writers, if any.
  2. Work Registration Forms: Fill out work registration forms for each piece of music. This includes detailed information about each song, like duration, co-writers’ names, and publishers.
  3. Metadata Accuracy: Ensure all the information about your songs, including metadata, is accurate. This is crucial for tracking and collecting royalties.

Step 4: Affiliation Agreement

  1. Review and Sign: Read the affiliation agreement carefully, which outlines the rights you’re granting to the PRO and their responsibilities in collecting royalties on your behalf.
  2. Keep a Copy: Retain a copy of the agreement for your records.

Tips for Effective Catalog Submission

  1. Organize Your Music: Keep your catalog organized with clear, consistent metadata for each track.
  2. Regular Updates: Update your catalog regularly with the PRO whenever you release new music.
  3. Understand the Process for Collaborative Works: Know how to register works that involve collaborations, as this might affect royalty splits.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of any changes in the PRO’s policies or registration processes.


Registering with a PRO is an essential step towards professionalizing your music career and securing your earnings from your creative works. By following these steps and ensuring the accurate submission of your music catalog, you position yourself to reap the full benefits of your musical talents. Remember, in the music industry, your artistry is not just about creativity but also about understanding and navigating the business aspects effectively.