Optimizing Your Registrations

For musicians in the digital age, SoundExchange has become an indispensable ally, ensuring artists are fairly compensated for their work in the digital realm. However, the key to unlocking the full potential of SoundExchange lies in the proper categorization and crediting of your music. This course aims to provide musicians with practical tips and best practices to ensure their music is accurately represented in SoundExchange’s system, maximizing the chances of receiving all due royalties.

Understanding the Importance of Metadata

Metadata is the critical information attached to your music, including track titles, artist names, album names, and ISRCs (International Standard Recording Codes). Accurate metadata is essential for SoundExchange to track, collect, and distribute royalties appropriately.

Tips for Proper Categorization and Credit

1. Accurate and Consistent Metadata

  • Ensure that the metadata for each track is complete and consistent across all platforms. This includes your name, track titles, album names, and ISRCs.
  • Inconsistencies or inaccuracies in metadata can lead to lost royalties.

2. Use Standard Formatting

  • Adhere to industry-standard formatting for names and titles. Avoid using unusual characters or stylizations that may not be recognized by SoundExchange’s system.

3. Obtain and Use ISRCs

  • ISRCs are unique codes assigned to each version of a track and are crucial for tracking purposes.
  • Ensure each of your tracks has an ISRC, and it is correctly associated with the track in SoundExchange’s database.

4. Regularly Update Your Catalog

  • As you release new music, promptly update your SoundExchange account with the new tracks and their corresponding metadata.
  • This includes updates for remixes, live versions, or any other variations of your original tracks.

5. Verify Your Credits

  • Regularly check your credited works in your SoundExchange account to ensure all your tracks are listed and correctly attributed to you.
  • If you collaborate with other artists, ensure that these collaborations are accurately reflected.

6. Understand Categorization

  • SoundExchange categorizes music based on factors like genre and usage. Familiarize yourself with these categories to better understand where and how your music is being used.

7. Report Discrepancies Promptly

  • If you notice any discrepancies or missing information, report them to SoundExchange immediately. Timely communication can help rectify issues before they impact your royalty payments.

8. Keep Records

  • Maintain your records and documentation, such as contracts and recording details, which could be useful if you need to dispute categorization or credits.

Best Practices for Collaboration and Featured Artists

  • Clear Agreements: Have clear, written agreements about credits and royalty splits with collaborators.
  • Submit Collaborative Works Accurately: When submitting collaborative works, ensure all contributing artists are correctly credited.


Effectively managing your presence on SoundExchange is more than just a bureaucratic necessity; it’s a vital component of your career strategy in the digital music landscape. By ensuring your music is properly categorized and credited, you solidify your foundation for receiving all royalties you are owed. Remember, in the dynamic world of music streaming, your diligence in managing your digital footprint is as important as the creativity you put into your music. Keep your data precise, your records up-to-date, and your communication with SoundExchange clear, and you’ll be in tune with the benefits of digital performance royalties.